Crystal Info

  • African Bloodstone

    Grounds energy, increases energy and strength. Known as a stone of purification. Heightens intuition and creativity. (Root & Heart Chakra)

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  • Amazonite

    Soothing, calming, soothes emotional trauma, known as the stone of courage and the stone of truth. Encourages expression of truth. (Heart & Throat Chakras)

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  • Amethyst

    A type of quartz, encourages emotional balance, used to curb nightmares, promotes calmness, stress and anxiety reduction. This is a stone of spiritual protection. Encourages empaths to follow their intuition so they can better distinguish their feelings from the feelings of others. (Crown Chakra)

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  • Aquamarine

    Ideal for meditation, shielding the aura, invoking higher consciousness, and promoting service to humanity. It aids sensitive individuals, fostering tolerance and supporting those overwhelmed by responsibility. Additionally, it facilitates dynamic change, closure, and emotional understanding, while clarifying perception by filtering incoming information. (Throat & Third Eye Chakras)

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  • Aventurine (Green)

    A fortune/healing stone. Good for healing and clearing the heart chakra. Provides mental stability eases anxiety and stress. Promotes self-love, strength, confidence, happiness and courage. (Heart Chakra)

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  • Calcite (Yellow)

    Good for detoxing and motivation. Induces a deep state of relaxation and spirituality, eases emotional stress. A powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy, a good mental healer. Good for learning and studying as it promotes memory retention. (Crown Chakra)

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  • Carnelian

    This stone is used for vitality, motivation, and creativity. It is a grounding (or stabilizing) stone, and it is connected to your root chakra (energy center). It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. (Sacral & Root Chakras)

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  • Citrine

    A stone of manifestation. This stone awakens creativity and encourages fresh beginnings and new pursuits. Energizing, recharging, heightens self-discipline, attracting professional success and wealth. It is known to transform and ground negative energy and thoughts and turns them into positive energy. (All Chakras)

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  • Garnet

    Encourages emotional balance, is used for depression, bad dreams, and useful to have in a crisis. It is a balancer stone. A stone of luck for love, success, and goals. Enhances self-esteem. Inspires love and devotion. The stone of Commitment - to purpose, to others, and to self. (Root Chakra)

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  • Hematite

    Grounding, helps to focus, absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. Helps to avoid energy or psychic vampires (People or things that drain your energy) EMF blocker. (Root Chakra)

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  • Howlite

    Calming, this stone targets anxiety, anger, tension, and stress. It is also good at encouraging emotional expression. Its calming influence helps to slow an overactive mind and because of this, it can be beneficial for insomniacs, helping to achieve deep and restful sleep. Also used to facilitate awareness. (Crown Chakra)

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  • Jasper (Aqua Terra)

    This is a calming, soothing and purifying stone. It encourages emotional healing and activates and stabilizes the heart chakra. It can cultivate creativity, insight and inspiration. (Heart Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakras)

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  • Jasper (Cobra/Calligraphy)

    Helps to calm tempers, promotes focus & clarity of mind, motivation for staying on track with goals in life, and using your head & logic above emotional reactions. This stone carries a lot of primal energy. (Solar Plexus & Root Chakra)

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  • Jasper (Picture)

    Calming, soothing, encourages you to release things that no longer serve you. Transforms negative energy to positive. EMF blocker. Jasper comes in many different colors besides the one shown. (Root Chakra)

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  • Jasper (Red)

    This stone is used to improve libido and to block EMFs. Promotes calmness and grounding, it’s used to cleanse and stabilizes the aura, and enhance and improve sexual pleasure. (Root Chakra)

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  • Jet

    Jet is believed to clear the aura from negative energy. Known as a protection stone. Helps to release anger, fear, worries, stress and anxiety. Attracts knowledge and wisdom. (Root Chakra)

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  • Labradorite

    This is a stone of transformation, known to balance and protect the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities. Labradorite is known to target anxiety and stress. Also known as a good luck stone. (All chakras above the heart)

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  • Lapis Lazuli

    Enhances inner wisdom, communication, and emotional healing. Promotes serenity, insight, and spiritual growth, facilitating self-expression and truth-seeking. (Third Eye and Throat Chakras)

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  • Lava Stone

    Grounding, promotes strength, courage, calmness, and lava can be used as a personal essential oil diffuser. Simply use a drop or two of your favorite essential oil on the lava rock and rub it over the beads. (Root Chakra)

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  • Larvikite

    Enhances inner vision, grounding, and psychic abilities. Shields against negative energy and promotes mental clarity. Aids in decision-making and fosters stability during change. (Root and Third Eye Chakras)

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  • Malachite

    Known as the stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Believed to absorb energy and is known as the stone of transformation. (Heart & Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root)

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  • Moonstone

    Known for deep emotional healing, decreasing hyperactivity, and activating intuition. Believed to be a stone of new beginnings, this stone carries receptive, passive, and feminine energy. Helps to draw out old emotional patterns. (Third Eye & Solar Plexus Chakra)

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  • Obsidian

    An aura cleanser, shields against negative energy, draws out mental stress. Known to dissolve emotional blockages and past traumas. Promotes compassion and strength. (Root Chakra)

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  • Obsidian (Snowflake)

    Blocks electromagnetic frequencies. This stone is known to purify body, mind and spirit. Used to enhance logical thinking and manifestation. Expands consciousness to understand and accept change. (Root Chakra)

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  • Onyx

    Known as a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy. Believed to prevent the drain of personal energy and it aids in the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina. Encourages happiness and good fortune. Attracts balance and self-control. (Root Chakra)

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  • Opalite

    This stone is believed to improve communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. Opalite is known to remove energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Also known to assist during transitions of all kinds, promoting strength to express our hidden feelings. (Third Eye Chakra)

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  • Pyrite

    Amplifies abundance, confidence, and vitality. Shields against negative energies, EMFs and promotes mental clarity. Enhances focus, determination, and manifestation abilities. (Solar Plexus Chakra)

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  • Quartz (Clear)

    Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power, the master healer, and it is known to amplify any energy or intention. It also protects against negativity, it attunes to your higher self, and is used to relieve pain. (Crown Chakra)

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  • Quartz (Cloudy)

    Enhances concentration, memory, and mental clarity while soothing emotional turbulence and dispelling negative energy. It aids in clearing mental fog, releasing emotional blockages, and fostering emotional balance. A supportive companion during stress, it promotes optimism and clarity of thought. (Crown Chakra)

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  • Quartz (Rose)

    The stone of universal love. Restores harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. It is said to purify and open the heart chakra, promoting self love, friendship, deep inner healing and peace. (Heart Chakra)

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  • Quartz (Smoky)

    Used to disperse fear, lift depression and negativity. This stone promotes emotional calmness, grounding, and it is believed to ease stress and anxiety. EMF blocker. (Root Chakra)

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  • Quartz (Tourmalinated)

    EMF blocker, balances all chakras, enhances energy, promotes grounding and strengthens the body's energy field. This stone is said to release tension, it is said to turn negative thoughts and energy into positive. This stone is used for promoting effective problem-solving. (All Chakras, mainly Root)

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  • Sodalite

    The vibrations of this stone is known to release tension and fears, and it is said to help develop intuition. This stone influences emotional balance, aids with self expression and increased awareness. (Third Eye Chakra)

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  • Tiger's Eye (Blue)

    Also known as Hawk's Eye, this is a stone of protection and intuition. It enhances courage, confidence, and personal power while promoting mental clarity and insight. Facilitates clear communication and self-expression. (Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra)

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  • Tiger's Eye

    Used for creativity, protection, good luck, mental clarity, and manifestation. Focuses on emotional balance, depression, and this stone is used for those who are spaced out or uncommitted. Enhances self-worth. (Third Eye Chakra)

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  • Tiger's Eye (Red)

    Enhances confidence and self-esteem. This is a stimulating stone and its focus on the lower chakras is what gives this stone the power to work through any issues on the lower half of the body. This stone energizes those who feel lethargic. (Root Chakra

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  • Tourmaline (Black)

    Electromagnetic frequency blocker. Powerful protection stone. Swallows negative energy. Promotes detoxification, grounds energy, increases vitality, decreases with tension and stress. (Root Chakra)

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  • Tourmaline

    Renowned for its grounding and protective properties. Aids in promoting emotional equilibrium and healing, facilitating a sense of stability and security. Enhances energy flow and offers protection against negative energies. This stone is associated with various chakras depending on the color of the tourmaline. (Crown, Heart, Root Chakras)

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  • Turquoise

    Believed to safeguard travelers from mishaps and negative energies on journeys. This purification stone aids in depression, detoxification, mood swings, panic attacks, shame, and guilt, while promoting good fortune, peace, and protection. It encourages self-realization, loyalty, and friendship, serving as an EMF protector. (Throat, Third Eye Chakra)

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